Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Idea of Kick-ass Flats

My sister, Rich, loves Charles and Keith shoes. I didn't ask her why but I assumed it's maybe because it's a popular brand. I decided to search on Charles and Keith shoe brands on the net, they have nice designs, some i may like to buy but some I can't pull off wearing. 

I browsed through the site just trying to see if there is something that I would like that could be  another potential candidate for my shoe daydreams. While at it, at the back of my mind I was looking for some kick-ass flats, something that I can wear everyday. Right now, I have a pair of flats that I wear in almost all of my goings, which I bought for only P150 pesos so you can tell that they're not much of a darling. I finally found the pair that I was looking for, it's a flat leather shoes in colors of beige, blue and red. The posted price on the site is in dollars and in peso it's roughly worth P2,000 pesos. 

Charles and Keith is known for making durable shoes, for it's quality, its not that expensive I guess. You can check out other designs on this website;



  1. I'm crazy about them because Charles and Keith is known for making durable shoes, for it's quality, its not that expensive, You said it yourself.

    1. so my assumption is right, i got to have some pairs then...
