Friday, June 15, 2012

My Shoe Bucket List

In my 30 years, I have always wanted to have a line up of shoes and footwear that I can luxuriously choose from before going out of the house. It would be nice for my footwear choices to not only be limited to two or three pairs. So I have come up with a bucket list of shoes or footwear that I want to own. If I would be able to complete this, I would have the happiest feet in the world.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Idea of Kick-ass Flats

My sister, Rich, loves Charles and Keith shoes. I didn't ask her why but I assumed it's maybe because it's a popular brand. I decided to search on Charles and Keith shoe brands on the net, they have nice designs, some i may like to buy but some I can't pull off wearing.